Thumbing the chronicle of our school, we can read about thoughts of the creation of the library already in 1926. One year later, in 1927, the Ministry of Religion and Education set up a library for people and gave it to the school. In 1930, the library had to provide its services not only for children but also for adults. On Sundays, they made an “open library” where nearly 400 books changed hands.
The Second World War, the flood in 1966, then the fire of 1968 decimated the library which was increasing in quantity and renewing in content. At that time the pedagogical and the juvenile libraries were still separate.
The standard school library came into existence from 1971. At first it was next to the teachers’ room then it moved in a classroom on the second floor.
A renewal took place in 2001 from the amount came in the account of the ‘Foundation for Modern School’. Thus a more aesthetic, renewed milieu is waiting for the users of the library. At present, nearly 13,000 documents are available for readers. The creation of our stock is happening according to our regulations. Our collection contains for instance compulsory and suggested readings, folktales, authors’ life-work and literature helping to train students for being readers. Furthermore, there are reference books and non-fiction materials relating to curriculum in our special literature stock.
In our reference library you can find documents for general literacy, basic and professional encyclopaedias, dictionaries, atlases, chronologies.
The pedagogic collections, such as methodological publications and aids, can help in teachers’ work.
Audiovisual documents are also parts of the stock from 1986. They can be used in place.
In the library, there are 8 computers with internet access for readers.
Besides our collection of students’ books, there are so called ‘long-lasting’ student’s books to help our pupils.
Our library tries to be suited for the readers’ demands. The processing of our stocks, the registrations and the borrowing are made in the ‘SZIKLA’ Integrated Library System. Our collections are available directly from the homepage of school, via internet.
Our important task is to train our students for readers therefore we regularly organize programs for our readers. The library often officiates as host to school and local events in the city, also to programs for teachers.